Cisco Exam Questions

Which of the following statements is true regarding the…

Which of the following statements is true regarding the sendlifetime command? (Select the best answer.)

The default duration for sending keys is infinite.

You cannot specify a duration based on a specific start and end time.

The duration must be specified in oneminute increments.

The earliest start time value is January 1, 1970.

When using the sendlifetime command, the default duration for sending keys is infinite. The sendlifetime
command is used to specify the period of time during which a key should be sent by a router for authentication.
The syntax for this command is sendlifetime starttime {infinite | endtime | duration seconds}, where starttime
specifies the date and time that the key should start being sent. The earliest valid start time is January 1, 1993.
By default, keys are valid indefinitely? however, you can use the duration keyword to specify a duration value
between 1 and 2,147,483,646 seconds. For example, the sendlifetime 19:00:00 Feb 24 2015 duration 3600
command specifies that a key should be valid for 3,600 seconds, which is one hour, and that the router should
begin sending the key at 19:00:00 Feb 24 2015, which corresponds to 7 p.m. on February 24, 2015.
You can specify the duration as a specific start and end time. For example, you could issue the sendlifetime
19:00:00 Feb 24 2015 20:00:00 Feb 24 2015 command to achieve the same onehour duration as the
sendlifetime 19:00:00 Feb 24 2015 duration 3600 command.

Cisco: IP Routing ProtocolIndependent Commands: sendlifetime