Cisco Exam Questions

Which of the following describes a TPM?

Which of the following describes a TPM? (Select the best answer.)

an independent cryptographic processor embedded into computers

a system of assigning data to various categories

a system used to provide services on demand from remote locations

a process of remotely initiating the deletion of data stored on a device

An independent cryptographic processor embedded into computers describes a Trusted Platform Module
(TPM). A TPM provides hardwarebased authentication and full disk encryption services. Because the
encryption keys are stored in the TPM module, any data stored on the drive cannot be decrypted once the drive
is removed from the original device. TPM uses an encrypted memory module, which provides an additional
security layer for properties such as passwords, digital certificates, and encryption keys.
Classification of information, also known as data classification, can be described as a system of assigning data
to various categories. Each category should possess a unique policy outlining how data is to be stored,
protected, accessed, and disposed of. The policy should also indicate who has permission to participate in the
storage, protection, access, and disposal of the data within that category.
Cloud computing can be described as a system used to provide services on demand from remote locations.
Cloud computing allows for computer processes that are typically hosted internally to be moved to an external
provider, which can reduce the burden on system and network resources. When a provider cloud is used,
access to applications, storage space, and other services can be provided on demand without requiring the
services to be installed on individual workstations. The use of cloudbased services can simplify IT management
by reducing or eliminating the time required to install, upgrade, and manage services.
A remote wipe can be described as the process of remotely initiating the deletion of data stored on a device. A
remote wipe works by sending a command to the device through the Internet? after the device establishes a
connection to the Internet, the device receives the command and the process of deleting the data is initiated. A
user whose laptop or smart phone has been stolen may perform a remote wipe to prevent the thief from
accessing confidential information.

Trusted Computing Group: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Summary