Cisco Exam Questions

Which attack is executed by Java applets and ActiveX controls?

Which attack is executed by Java applets and ActiveX controls?

Brute force

IP spoofing


Application layer


New Internet technologies such as Java and ActiveX, designed to better enable cross-platform communication, have drastically altered the level and approach of computer damaging elements. Anyone seeking to maliciously manipulate corporate information or attack corporate computers now has an accommodating Java and ActiveX environment that offers easy, quick, and discreet methods of attack. Mini-applications like Java applets enter network computers whenever users access Java-enabled Web sites or use Web browsers, and this distributed computing allows unchecked applets into the network without any warning, announcement, or even opportunity for users to refuse them. SurfinGate technology prevents Java applet attacks that can bypass built-in security systems like the Java Security Manager, offering extensive management controls and features designed for the corporation.
Reference: Cisco Systems Joins the Finjan Java Security Alliance