Cisco Exam Questions

What is the advantage of EAP-FAST compared to LEAP?

What is the advantage of EAP-FAST compared to LEAP?

EAP-FAST exchanges user credentials within a TLS tunnel whereas LEAP exchanges credentials
information in clear, which allows possible offline “dictionary attacks.”

EAP-FAST allows authenticated in-band PAC provisioning, whereas LEAP uses anonymous inband
PAC provisioning, which is transparent to the user.

LEAP only supports user and password changes in conjunction with MS-CHAPv2, whereas EAPFAST supports user and password changes when using MS-CHAPv2 or OTP or PAC.

EAP-FAST works with the 802.11 authentication algorithm “open eap,” and also with
“networkeap,” whereas LEAP is limited to the 802.11 authentication algorithm “network-eap” only.