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Category: AWS-SAP (v.1)

Exam AWS-SAP: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (update june 4th, 2017)

Which configuration below will allow you the ability to…

You’ve been brought in as solutions architect to assist an enterprise customer with their migration
of an e-commerce platform to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
The previous architect has already deployed a 3-tier VPC.
The configuration is as follows:
VPC: vpc-2f8bc447
IGW: igw-2d8bc445
NACL: ad-208bc448
Subnets and Route Tables:
Web servers: subnet-258bc44d
Application servers: subnet-248bc44c
Database servers: subnet-9189c6f9
Route Tables:
subnet-258bc44d : rtb-218bc449
subnet-248bc44c : rtb-238bc44b
subnet-9189c6f9 : rtb-238bc44b
You are now ready to begin deploying EC2 instances into the VPC. Web servers must have direct
access to the Internet. Application and database servers cannot have direct access to the
Internet. Which configuration below will allow you the ability to remotely administer your
application and database servers, as well as allow these servers to retrieve updates from the

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