Briefing Amazon Knowledge

An organization has configured a VPC with an Internet Gateway (IGW). pairs…

An organization has configured a VPC with an Internet Gateway (IGW). pairs

of public and private subnets (each with one subnet per Availability Zone), and an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) configured to use the public subnets. The application s web tier leverages the ELB. Auto Scaling and a mum-AZ RDS database instance The organizat

ion would like to eliminate any potential single points ft failure in this design.

What step should you take to achieve this organizations objective?

A. Nothing, there are no single points of failure in this architecture.

B. Create and attach a second IG

W to provide redundant internet connectivity.

C. Create and configure a second Elastic Load Balancer to provide a redundant load balancer.

D. Create a second multi-AZ RDS instance in another Availability Zone and configure replication to provide a redundan

t database.